Financial Independence Coaching
Individuals - Couples - Professionals
"We are all in a Game of Money - but only few were taught how to play.
​​​​​​​I will teach you how to be great with money and help you take the right steps in the right order, so that you can begin the journey toward financial independence".
New Budget Tool to Keep Solopreneurs Sane
Professionals and small business owners tell me that one of the biggest challenges is to figure out:
💲 How much they can pay themselves each month.
💲 How to estimate business profit for tax purposes.
💲 Have a simple tool that categorizes and compartmentalizes
their income and expenditures - all in one place.
☑ So I build a budget for that
(ok ok, - had help from a civil engineer with an MBA - psst...I made sure it is super easy to use. )
One budget - with two tabs. One tab takes care of the business income/expenses the other tab is your private budget.
Net income from the business budget is automatically transferred to your "Private Tab" as income. (here you can add other incomes as well)
Several graphs and charts will give you the big picture.
The budget covers a 12 month period so it estimates forward scenarios, not just month by month. This makes planning so much easier.
The budget is highly customizable so you can make it "yours". It is not book-keeping software, but a tool for your clarity, strategy ...and sanity.
GOODBYE confusion. HELLO clarity.
If you are interested to learn more - book a Free Strategy session. A no-nonsense, no-salesly, real talk about money.