Financial Independence Coaching
Individuals - Couples - Professionals
"We are all in a Game of Money - but only few were taught how to play.
​​​​​​​I will teach you how to be great with money and help you take the right steps in the right order, so that you can begin the journey toward financial independence".
Money advice I took to heart, literally changing my life.
1) Avoid status games - "Saving money is the gap between your ego and your income" - Morgan Housel.
2) Invest your money automatically before you even see it.
3) Invest first in your debts above 8% - by paying them down.
4) Then establish a proper emergency fund, 3-6 months of living expenses.
5) Invest in your education and skills increasing your market value. Don't just rely on trading time for dollars.
6) Watch your re-current expenses much more than your one-time expenses.
7) When investing adopt a mindset of "keeping it simple".
8) Seek efficiency in daily living, with a mindset of "Less is more".
9) Spend <50% on NEEDS, >20% on INVESTING, >20% on "LOVE to DO's", <10% on WANTS & LIKES.
10) Hire a financial coach to get you dialed in once and for all. ​​​​