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Money advice I took to heart, literally changing my life.











1) Avoid status games - "Saving money is the gap between your ego and your income" - Morgan Housel.

2) Invest your money automatically before you even see it.

3) Invest first in your debts above 8% - by paying them down.

4) Then establish a proper emergency fund, 3-6 months of living expenses.

5) Invest in your education and skills increasing your market value. Don't just rely on trading time for dollars.

6) Watch your re-current expenses much more than your one-time expenses.

7) When investing adopt a mindset of "keeping it simple".

8) Seek efficiency in daily living, with a mindset of "Less is more".

9) Spend <50% on NEEDS, >20% on INVESTING, >20% on "LOVE to DO's", <10% on WANTS & LIKES.

10) Hire a financial coach to get you dialed in once and for all. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

10 pieces of money advice
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