Financial independence is about
1️⃣ Control over your time
2️⃣ Not having to agree or compromise.
(boss, workplace, profession, ... your country)
✅ It is an incremental process of un-confiscating paychecks from debts and obligations.
✅ It is also an incremental process of earning more.
In the end "all roads lead to Rome"
- so it is about the freedom gap created between income and expenses.
One way or the other.
That gap can buy you time in two ways:
✔ NOW by paying off debts, thus having to work less to service them.
✔ LATER by buying assets which later can substitute earned income.
The frameworks are simple.
The beauty of undertaking this journey is that you can begin immediately.
❌ It is not a far in the future set & done destination.
✅ It is a dynamic process you can begin today.
Read, study, learn - hire a coach.
Whatever it takes.
This is an area so consequential - for you and yours.
One place to begin is by booking a free strategy session.
Or purchase my book.
Just dont wait...